Sunday, May 27, 2012

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

We went straight to the loony bin for this one.  We mixed in another classic this year with One flew over the Cuckoo's nest.  The host planned a movie night for the meeting so we could watch after we read.  Great book and message that would be perfect for a book club discussion.  We spent most of the time visiting, eating and watching movie but would still recommend this title!  One member made a huge bottle of "cough syrup" with a Firefly Book Club label.  The ingredients that were listed in the book for cough syrup were attached to the back of the bottle.  She found the bottle at a local hardward store.  It was perfect to go with the "meds" we had rationed out for each ward.  The meds were labeled like the wards in the book.  We had the Acute and the Chronic.  Don't worry medication time only consisted of tic tacs and altoids.  The medication containers were little ketchup things from a fast food place.  If you read this one with your group this is a perfect treat. 
We wore "greens" to match the patients in the book.  Scrubs were easily found at the thrift store.  A favorite spot for collecting book club wardrobes.  You could also have a nurse Ratchet or Candy the hooker.  We had the hooker but no nurse.  The majority of us were mental patients.  We are all moms and I think feel a little crazy most of the time. 

The host Emily picked a local nursing/rehab center to take donations.  They were gladly accepting books and magazines for patients and visitors.  Such an easy way to help the community.  We always have lots of extra books to share!  Call around if you want to help.  You will be surprised the places that would welcome similar donations. 

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