I can't believe it has been three years of FUN and reading! Oh, the memories we have made. I am not sure where I would be without these amazing woman and wonderful books. I was very sick this month so we had to celebrate a little late. We wore the signature Firefly color blue and decorated the same. We talked about Favorite books from the year. These is My Words was popular amongst all of us. Gone Girl and The Shoemaker's Wife seemed to be the runners up. We talked about our favorite costumes. Hmmmm....this one was tough. My personal favorite costumes were The Great Gatsby and Gone Girl! The Amish outfits lost the costume competition. We all seemed in agreement on that one. We also discussed favorite laugh out loud moments, foods and memories from the year.
One member mailed us all forms to fill out. This helped get us thinking about the above questions before we met. Everyone got a handmade silver firefly charm to celebrate the occasion. Maybe on the 5th anniversary we will go crazy and get tattoos!